What can we do together

Conversational German
Conversational English
- 60 minutes one-on-one online conversation
- 95 Euros
- No assignments required! Just straight talk.
- In conversation is where you will test your verbal accuracy and agility and truly become confident in your German or English, whether you need it for business or pleasure. Feedback on your conversational skills is immediate, and you can make corrections on the spot. Conversational German or Conversational English is a must-have to become fluent.
Business German
Business English
- 60 minutes one-on-one online
- 95 Euros
- Getting you ready for the interview including assistance with document preparation.
- From emails to presentations, clear and correct German or English will convey your professionalism. To be an influential team member, you need to be able to read and comprehend all internal documents and communicate well in group discussions. Business German or Business English lessons will help you achieve the level of skill you need to move ahead in the workplace.

Passing the B1/C1 Exam
- 60 minutes one-on-one online
- 95 Euros
- Includes homework, Google classroom, and Quizlet tests
- Maybe you need to pass the B1 test for legal residency, or you came in with the EU Blue Card, want the settlement, and now have to prove language proficiency. Or maybe you have been accepted to the university of choice but need the C1 or C2 certificate to begin study or just want to be sure you will be able to understand your professors. No matter what the reason, the B1 or C1 exam are big goals that need structured and rigorous preparation so you can continue on with your life.
CAT 4 Training
- 120 minutes one-on-one online
- 225 Euros
- Includes training with sample questions from real exams
- By the time you have finished the training, you will be familiar with test layout, timing, and the different types of problem-solving. No surprises at test time; you will be able to focus without being blindsided.

Writing Aid for “Letter of Motivation”
- 60 minutes writing aid/proofreading online
- 95 Euros
- The letter of motivation MUST be authentically yours, let us make it the best version of you.
- We sit down together to work through your letter and polish it so you outshine the other applicants. Be memorable, clear, and correct; we can make it happen.
Interview Training
- 60 minutes one-on-one online
- 95 Euros
- Includes role-playing with verbal feedback during the interview and short written feedback by email
- The interview is a deciding factor for many admissions officers. So let us make sure you have well-spoken answers that save you a place in the recruiter’s mind and at the school of your choice. We will compile the necessary vocabulary and practice eye contact and body posture, as even in an online interview, you will need to put your best foot forward.

Preparation for Written English Exam
- 60 minutes one-on-one online
- 95 Euros
- TOFEL, IELTS, Duolingo, Cambridge Certificate
- You bought the practice test, took it, and tried to understand what went wrong. Even professional athletes have coaches to draw their best performance out of them. Why risk scoring low or mediocre when you can go in confident and assured that you know what you are doing? We will work through the test, answer all your questions, develop strategies that work, and create a vocabulary list to study.
- Essay Training: You can speak well enough to get the interview, but how about the essay? Do you know how to quickly formulate your thoughts on a topic that lands in front of you with a timer ticking? Let’s practice how to write under pressure without losing accuracy. Do you have a strategy for writing around the vocabulary you do not have handy? Be prepared; let us get your tool kit packed.
- 60 minutes one-on-one online
- 95 Euros
- Academic coaching or subject-specific tutoring
- Homeschooling, distance learning, remote learning—we’ve been there and know how plain frustrating it can be for both you and your child. STOP, BREATHE, and please send us an email. We want to support you! As an academic coach or subject-specific tutor, we will work with your child to address gaps and replace what is missing.

Long-term English Instruction
- 60 minutes one-on-one online
- 95 Euros
- Topics as needed
- Is your child stuck in English class, too afraid to participate in class which leads to a lower grade? Are you preparing for a year abroad? Let us ensure your child’s English is up to speed for the classroom; biology, algebra, or chemistry is already difficult in the mother tongue - more difficult in English.

Thank you for subbing in for our German 2 class several times this year. It was interesting and nice to discuss the material with new viewpoints. It's also fascinating to hear about Germany and be taught by someone who lives there.
I want to express my heartfelt thanks for her professional treatment of my son. She immediately had a good rapport with him. Through her friendly demeanor, she acquired his trust and he liked going for instruction. She built up his confidence in his abilities in the English language and it became something positive for him. His grade consistently improved. He started with a 5 and within a year moved up to a 3, which he was able to hold on to. She taught him a system of learning so that he could continue on his own. I can highly recommend Ms. Fiedler as an English teacher.
I have thoroughly enjoyed learning German this year. It has been a wonderful introduction, and being able to hear some of the cultural contexts of the language from someone who lives in Germany has been fascinating!
I have learned so much in your class and you are constantly cracking us up with puns or witty sayings. I am disappointed that I haven't been able to make all the meetings because of running, but I greatly appreciate your prompt and thorough answers to all my questions. Danke!
Thank you so much for such a great year of German! You have made learning this language so much fun, and I really appreciate your enthusiasm for teaching us! Not every teacher would put up with all of our crazy puns and jokes.
I appreciate your encouragement and your ability to make learning German fun and interesting.
I was in your German I class two years ago and just wanted to say that I am in German III now and we still talk all the time about how much we learned in your class! Every year of German has been such a great experience for me.
You've done more for me in a foreign language class than anybody else. I went from a rough, very small knowledge about German grammar and language to a much bigger understanding of how to form multiple different types of sentences in German. You went above and beyond what you were required to do, and that has definitely left a big impression on me.
I think that you have a unique way of conducting your classroom that sticks out to me among other class settings I have been in. I am drawn to your ability to put the education into the hands of your students. I have come to a greater realization that ultimately how much I learn depends on me. Just me. Thank you for teaching me that, along with bearing with my German insufficiency
Never have I so quickly fallen in love with a language as I did with German, and that's largely because of your efficient and fun teaching style. I can't thank you enough for giving me the foundation I needed to jump into all my present German studies, including all the translation of German 2 and 3, as well as the extra-curricular German things like documentaries.
German was so much fun with you. You both made me laugh and sometimes terrified me with your mysteriousness and wonderful evil laugh (you have by far the best evil laugh on the planet). Thank you for always being willing to go over any extra work I did.